Where to Put Floating Shelves in Bedroom: Enhancing the Overall Look and Functionality

Floating shelves can be put in a bedroom on an empty wall or above the headboard. Adding floating shelves to your bedroom is the perfect way to optimize space for storage without sacrificing style.

Not only do they provide a functional storage solution, but they can also add a decorative touch to your bedroom design. Properly placing your floating shelves can create focal points in the room while keeping things organized and clutter-free. In this article, we will explore the best spots to put floating shelves in a bedroom to maximize functionality and aesthetics.

Where to Put Floating Shelves in Bedroom: Enhancing the Overall Look and Functionality

Credit: www.homesandgardens.com


As you’re planning to put floating shelves in your bedroom, you might be wondering where to put them. Whether you have a small bedroom and need to save space, or just want to add a little flare to the room, floating shelves can be a great addition.

In this blog post, we’ll explore where to put floating shelves in a bedroom, with specific focus on the importance of placement. So let’s dive in.

Benefits Of Using Floating Shelves In The Bedroom

When you choose to add floating shelves to your bedroom, you’re not just adding an extra bit of storage – you’re also increasing the room’s aesthetics and functionality.

  • Saves floor space: floating shelves don’t take up floor space, making them an efficient use of your bedroom area.
  • Increases storage: floating shelves offer ample storage for bedroom essentials such as books, picture frames, and personal items.
  • Aesthetically pleasing: floating shelves can blend in with the decor of the bedroom, while also adding a focal point to the wall.

Placement Of Floating Shelves

It’s important to consider where you want to place your floating shelves to create the desired look and optimize function.

  • Above the headboard: installing floating shelves above the bed can create a statement wall, serving as a decorative focal point. This area is perfect for displaying artwork, books, plants, or photos.
  • Around the window: floating shelves around the window can create an illusion of a larger room, making your bedroom feel spacious. You can place small decor items, or opt for shelves with baskets to store charging cords, electronic devices, or remotes.
  • Corner shelves: if you have small bedroom space, a great idea is to invest in corner floating shelves. They use space efficiently and have a unique look. In a corner, you can store household items, books, succulents, or photos.

Final Thoughts

When it comes to adding floating shelves to your bedroom, the possibilities are endless. With the right placement, you can create a beautiful, functional, and stylish space in any size bedroom. Planning before installing is crucial to make sure you get the most out of your shelf and maximize storage.

Keep in mind that the placement of floating shelves in your bedroom should reflect the style and function you want to achieve.

Crucial Factors To Consider

Floating shelves in the bedroom can be a great way to add some extra storage without taking up precious floor space. But before you start drilling holes into your walls, there are some crucial factors to consider.

The Size Of The Room And Wall Area That You Have

  • Take a good look at your bedroom to get an idea of the available wall space. This will help you determine how many shelves you can install.
  • Make sure you choose a spot where the shelves won’t obstruct any movement, such as near doorways or walkthrough areas.
  • Consider the overall style and ambiance of your room before settling on a spot. If you have a minimalist or modern vibe, consider a high wall. If you have a more traditional or cozy vibe, go for a lower wall.

The Height Of The Shelves

  • The height of your shelves will depend on the height of your ceilings and the things you plan to store on them.
  • If you have a high ceiling, consider installing shelves higher up to make use of that vertical space.
  • If you have a low ceiling, keep the shelves closer to the ground to avoid making the room feel cramped.
  • Keep in mind that the height of your shelves will affect the overall look of your room, so careful planning is key.

The Weight Of The Items That You Plan To Keep On The Shelves

  • Before installing your shelves, consider what items you plan to store on them. This will help you determine how much weight they need to support.
  • Choose shelves made of sturdy materials that can handle the weight of your items. Heavy items like books or large vases will require a more substantial shelf than lightweight items like picture frames or small plants.
  • If you’re unsure of how much weight your shelves can support, it’s always better to err on the side of caution and choose a shelf that’s rated for more weight than you need.

By considering these factors, you’ll be able to find the perfect spot for your floating shelves in your bedroom. With a little planning and some careful measuring, you can create an attractive and functional storage solution that enhances the overall look and feel of your space.


Above The Bed

Placing floating shelves above the bed is an excellent way to utilize vertical space while adding a touch of style to a bedroom. However, it’s not just about aesthetics; there are practical benefits to this placement as well. In this post, we’ll discuss the perks of floating shelves above the bed and provide tips on how to align them correctly with artwork and other accessories.

The Benefits Of Placing Floating Shelves Above The Bed

  • Save space: as the name suggests, floating shelves don’t take up much floor space, making them ideal for small bedrooms. When placed above the bed, they can hold books, lamps, or other items that may take up room on a bedside table.
  • Easy access: with the shelves above the bed, you’ll have easy access to your belongings. You won’t have to get out of bed to grab a book or reach for your reading glasses which is quite convenient.
  • Aesthetic appeal: floating shelves can add a touch of personality and style to a bedroom. They function as a functional decorative element in the room, giving it a homely feel and artistic flavor.

The Placement Of Shelves In Relation To The Headboard

The placement of floating shelves above the bed should be relative to the headboard. Proper alignment with the headboard creates a neat and organized look.

  • Consider the type of headboard: the first consideration is the type of headboard. The headboard style should complement the shelves while maintaining their visual proportion. For example, a large, upholstered headboard may clash with small, delicate floating shelves, so it’s crucial to consider the overall balance of the visual elements.
  • Height: when deciding on the shelf’s height, consider the space between the bed’s top and the ceiling, the height of the headboard, and the shape of the bed frame. Ideally, the shelves should be high enough to avoid hitting your head when sitting up in bed, but not so high that they look disconnected from the bed itself. A general rule of thumb is to place the shelves at least 12 inches above the headboard.
  • Using a level: always use a level when mounting shelves above the bed. Proper alignment is critical for both safety and for aesthetics.

The Proper Alignment Of Shelves With Artwork And Other Accessories

Once you’ve placed the shelves correctly, you can decorate them with artwork, plants, or other accessories. Proper alignment of the shelves is critical to achieve balance in the room.

  • Visual balance: consider the visual balance to maintain the aesthetic appeal of the bedroom. Accessories should not look cluttered or out of place.
  • Height: when placing items on each shelf, make sure they align with the shelves’ visual level. Use a ruler or another measuring tool to achieve this.
  • Spacing: think of the space between each item placed upon the shelf. The space should be proportional, not overcrowded, nor too spaced out and bare.

Floating shelves above the bed are a practical and aesthetic solution for small bedrooms, providing storage space and a touch of style. Proper placement and alignment with the headboard and accessories is critical for achieving visual balance and organization. Follow these tips to incorporate floating shelves above your bed, and you’ll have an excellent, functional addition to your bedroom.

Near The Desk Or Vanity Area

Having floating shelves in a bedroom allows you to add depth and dimension to your space while providing a functional storage and decoration solution. If you have a desk or vanity area in your bedroom, adding floating shelves nearby is a great way to increase function and aesthetics.

In this section, we’ll explore how floating shelves can enhance the workspace or vanity area and provide techniques for style and design.

Explanation Of How Floating Shelves Can Increase Function In A Workspace Or Vanity Area

  • Floating shelves are a practical and space-saving storage solution that can boost your productivity and creativity in a workspace or vanity area.
  • When you have floating shelves near your desk or vanity, you can keep everything organised and within reach, allowing you to focus on your tasks more efficiently.
  • Floating shelves also provide an opportunity to showcase your personality and style through the display of books, art, plants, or decorative objects.

Techniques For Style And Design In The Workspace/Vanity

  • Mindful placement: to make sure the floating shelves near your workspace/vanity area are functional and visually appealing, consider their placement. Make sure the shelves are close enough to reach, but not too close to interfere with your work. Pay attention to the visual balance, spacing, and height of the shelves.
  • Mix and match: utilize different textures, colors, and shapes to create a dynamic and curated look. Combine decorative objects such as vases, plants, and books with functional items like storage boxes and baskets.
  • Create a theme: use a common theme or color palette that runs through your displays to tie everything together. For instance, if you’re fond of natural elements, opt for wooden shelves and add greenery or floral elements to your display.
  • Play with lighting: lighting can create a dramatic effect and showcase your items on the floating shelves. Incorporate lighting above or below the shelves to highlight art or decorative objects, or use string lights to add warmth to your display.
  • Less is more: don’t overcrowd your shelves. Keep them simple and free of clutter to create a sense of space and organization.

By following these techniques, you can add an element of interest and an upscale feel to your workspace/vanity area with the help of floating shelves.

Beside The Window

Placing floating shelves in your bedroom is an excellent way to add functionality and style to the space. Floating shelves can be installed anywhere in your bedroom, but one of the best places to put them is beside the window.

In this section of the blog post, we will discuss the benefits of putting floating shelves beside the window and what kind of items you can keep on them.

The Advantages Of Placing Floating Shelves Beside The Window

Placing floating shelves beside the window can have the following advantages:

  • optimal use of the space: floating shelves can be installed in an area that would otherwise go unused, maximizing the available space in the room.
  • natural light: the window provides natural light, which can reveal the beauty and elegance of the objects on display.
  • ease of access: a floating shelf beside the window is easily accessible, making it perfect for storing frequently used items or decorations.
  • scenic view: a floating shelf beside the window can be an excellent vantage point for enjoying scenic views.

The Types Of Items That Can Be Kept On Such Shelves

There are several types of items that you can store on floating shelves beside the window.

  • plants: create a mini-garden by placing potted plants on the shelf beside the window. The abundance of natural light will help your plants thrive.
  • books: if you enjoy reading in bed, a floating shelf beside the window is an ideal place to store your books. It keeps them within reach and creates a cozy library nook.
  • candles: adding tea lights or candles to a floating shelf beside the window can create a calming ambiance that’s perfect for winding down at night.
  • figurines and decorative items: want to display your favorite figurines or decorative items? A floating shelf beside the window is an excellent spot to show off these items.
  • artwork: showcase your favorite artwork by placing it on a floating shelf beside the window. The natural light will highlight the artwork, creating a visually stunning display.

Floating shelves are versatile, functional, and stylish additions to any bedroom. By installing them beside windows, you can maximize their benefits and spruce up your room’s décor with ease.

Behind The Door Or An Empty Wall

Making Use Of Space That Often Gets Ignored Such As Behind The Bedroom Door

Do you often find that your bedroom has limited storage space? Well, the good news is that there is an easily overlooked space in your room that could potentially double up as storage, and it is right behind your bedroom door.

  • Adding floating shelves behind the door can provide an additional storage area for books, decor, or even clothing items such as hats, scarves, or bags.
  • A wall-mounted shoe rack or a hanging organizer can also make use of this space while keeping your footwear off the floor.
  • If you want to add some personal touches to your room, you can hang a photo display, a mirror, or some artwork behind the door.

Creative Ways To Make Use Of An Empty Wall

An empty wall in a bedroom can look uninviting and plain, but with the right design, it can be transformed into a stunning feature.

  • Build a shelf above the bed to display your favorite books, candles, and picture frames. This not only looks great but also frees up precious floor space.
  • A built-in corner shelf can create a focal point in the room and is a great place to display a small plant or treasured photos.
  • To create an airy and spacious feel, consider installing floating shelves from wall to wall, above a desk, or next to a window, leaving the rest of the wall blank.

Behind the door or an empty wall can serve as a perfect space for adding stylish floating shelves to your bedroom. These functional pieces take up minimal space while providing a space to store and display your most-loved items. Incorporating these elements into your bedroom design can make it more inviting and aesthetically pleasing.


Where To Put Floating Shelves In Bedroom: Conclusion

Recap the importance of the correct placement of floating shelves in the bedroom

Placing floating shelves in your bedroom can dramatically enhance the aesthetic appeal of your space while providing ample storage options. However, placing them in the wrong position can reduce their functionality and make your bedroom look cluttered and ill-proportioned.

  • The ideal locations for floating shelves in the bedroom include above the headboard, around the window frames, and around the door frames.
  • Opt for floating shelves made of durable materials like hardwood and metal when placing them in the high traffic areas.
  • Ensure the right spacing between each shelf to avoid making the room look too cluttered.
  • Consider the overall weight that each shelf can hold, especially when placing them above the bed, to minimize risks of accidents.

Final suggestions and recommendations for shelving heights and styles to match your bedroom’s design

Once you have determined the ideal placement for your floating shelves, it’s essential to ensure they match your bedroom’s design.

  • Choose shelves with a design that complements your bedroom’s theme, style, and color.
  • Opt for adjustable shelves for flexibility and easy repositioning when you want to change your room’s layout.
  • Determine the height of your shelves depending on what you plan to store on them. For example, if you want to store tall items like books and decorative items, opt for taller shelves while keeping the overall balance and proportion in mind.
  • Avoid excessively deep shelving if you have a small bedroom. This may make the room appear smaller and more claustrophobic.

Proper placement of floating shelves in your bedroom is crucial in upgrading the aesthetic appeal and functionality of your space. When carefully and thoughtfully positioned, floating shelves can make your bedroom organized, stylish, and clutter-free. Keep in mind the considerations outlined above to choose the perfect floating shelves for your bedroom.

Frequently Asked Questions For Where To Put Floating Shelves In Bedroom

1. What Are The Benefits Of Installing Floating Shelves In The Bedroom?

Floating shelves add aesthetic appeal, maximize storage space, and provide ample space to showcase decor items.


Floating shelves can transform a plain bedroom into an organized and aesthetically pleasing space. By following the guidelines mentioned in this article, you can ensure that your floating shelves are functional as well as visually appealing. Consider the size and weight of the items you want to display and choose a location that complements your room’s layout.

Don’t overlook empty wall spaces above your bed or dressers that can be utilized for storage. By selecting the right materials and colors for your shelves, they can blend seamlessly into the overall design of your room. With a bit of creativity, you can enhance your bedroom’s style and functionality with the addition of floating shelves.

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